You don't have to be a writer
to write a generous book.
Hey, there!
I'm Brannan.
You can call me B.
You're also likely to call me Brannon, Branan, Brennan, Brandon, Brandy, Brenda, Britney, Brianna...
You can call me anything, as long as you call me when you're ready to become an author.
I help non-writers write and leverage generous books
that change themselves, their readers, and the world.
Second only to 1:1 interactions, books may be the most intense form of communication we have. And while storytelling is an innate skill I believe we can all tap into, wrapping your head around book-length content is decidedly not.
The traditional perspective says you need to develop that skill before becoming an author.
After almost 20 years in content, dozens of ghostwritten books, and countless edited—I vehemently disagree. I see authors so something so much more (and much more accessible) than writing experience and platform alone.
You're already plenty skilled. You're a successful professional who has dedicated years to mastering your craft. Probably through a nonlinear path, which means you gathered even more skills, experience, and perspective along the way.
And over time, you've honed those assets to create significant impact. You've transformed businesses, industries, and lives with your unique perspective and expertise. You've refined your understanding of yourself and your work and the people you're here to serve. When it comes to your work in the world, you have confidence, clarity, and conviction about what you've experienced, learned, and know to be true.
These are the skills of an author.
But tell that to a blank page, amiright?
Capturing the essence of your impact in a way that fully depicts its breadth and depth is not easy.
That's where I come in.
Somewhere between a midwife for ideas and a death doula for deep ego shifts, I balance the science and skill of bringing a work into the world with intuition and empathy developed over thousands of hours observing the experience of creation.
I see your non-writing life and perspective as a source of power, and I help you find the internal clarity you need to turn it into a compelling book.
Together, we uncover the essence of your expertise, while using the writing journey to navigate core emotional truths and surface the true impact of your work.
Embrace your non-writing genius.
1. Pinpoint Your Power
When you feel the pull to write a book, it is hard to decipher where that pull is coming from or leading you to. When you set a Clear Direction, you spot the powerful message and identify the power source that will help you bring it to light.
2. Build Your Anchor
An anchored author has everything they need to keep their process grounded, no matter how non-linear or atypical it might feel. Gather the pieces of what you already know, meet with me to name what you don't, and together we will build your book from its lasting foundation to its leveled-up form.
3. Dive Deep
A resonant narrative does not come from wild stories or groundbreaking insights. It comes from authors who show up fully for their readers—and that happens from a place of flow, not force. Here, you'll find both yourself and your flow, with as much or as little support as you need throughout the process. Then the polish can follow, with comprehensive, intuitive editing that upholds your vision to "the end" and beyond.
4. Emerge as an Author
Take every step with confidence, knowing that your expertise is already enough and trusting that I've got your back, until your insight is transformed into impact.
For more on this experience, see The Non-Writer's Creative Process.
Join me on Substack via B is for Book Coach to get a free copy of my discovery-level workbook You Don't Get to the Ocean by Accident, plus podcasts, regular coaching, and entry-level support.
These resources will help you begin organizing your thoughts and outlining your concept, giving you a solid foundation to build on when you are ready to take the next steps.

Ready to explore how your insights can be transformed into impact in a book? Book a free Checkpoint Call or reach out below.
We’ll dive into your ideas and identify the key themes that could shape your book, and you’ll leave with a clear next step and a glimpse of what working together could bring.
One last note: When a generous book wants to be written, nothing else can quite scratch that itch—including and especially a "calling card" book that someone promises can be made quickly and easily.
This isn't about moving from no book to book.
It's about becoming an author in all the ways that matter most—from hesitant to confident, overwhelmed to empowered, disconnected to aligned, hidden to visible, dreamer to doer.
Ready to turn your concepts into content?